They say big things come from small packages. In a time where everything seems dark and chaotic, I wanna be one of the stars that can light up the night. This holiday season, I wanted to send everyone a message using my social media platforms. Now that the internet dominates the world more than ever, I think today is the best day.

This pandemic has restricted me to do a lot of things. If I’m gonna be honest with myself, I think part of my youth has been stolen. I can’t meet my friends, I can’t go to school, I can’t attend social gatherings, and I can’t do the things that make me happy. But if there’s one great thing that this very challenging time taught me, it is to love myself and appreciate the little things I have. Most of the time, it is the big events in our life that makes us feel valid. We feel like our growing process can only happen when we graduate school, buy expensive things, travel the country, and when we meet new people. But I realized that we can still progress even if these big things don’t come at once. And we can start by being creative. There’s an art in fear, sadness, and sorrow.

To inspire other people through my works is I think the greatest fulfillment I can have as an artist. Now that I am a YouTube content creator with over 85,000 subscribers, I can use my influence for good. I promised myself that through the videos I produced, I can help someone be the change he/she wants to be. In this very crucial time, YouTube is a great platform to tell the world that all things take time and we should not rush everything. It’s the process of success that matters the most. In a time where we are always reminded to check up on our friends because of the rise of anxiety and depression, I think it’s more important to start with ourselves. As cliché as it may sound but how can we help other people without helping ourselves. In addition, small winnings are valid. The result may not be as drastic as the big triumphs but it’s still something to be appreciated. These are the things I want to tell everyone using the platforms I have.
In a song One More Light by Linkin Park, the chorus says “Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars? Well, I do”. This is just to remind us that no matter how useless we think of ourselves, there will always be a person rooting for us. We have to keep going, embrace our flaws, and enjoy the road. Life may not be easy, but at least we’re living. And that’s enough.